Manufacturers’ Summit

The 5th Annual Summit of the Manufacturers’ Council of the Inland Empire

2018 Summit Photos

2017 Manufacturing Award for “High Goldbergian Logic” to Rialto High School Team

Carolyn Lee, Executive Director of the Manufacturing Institute—a division of the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM)

Left to Right: Dorothy Rothrock, President of California Manufacturers & Technology Association (CMTA), Todd Boppell, COO, National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), Paul Granillo, President & CEO, Inland Empire, Economic Partnership

Titan Gilroy, Founder and President, Titans of CNC

Titan Gilroy, Founder and President, Titans of CNC

Harvey Mudd Engineering students, winners of the M=MC2 Student Innovation Award for their work with Niagara bottling, LLC.

2018 Inland Empire Manufacturing Summit exhibit hall.

More than 250 students attended their own meetings at the 2018 Inland Empire Manufacturers’ Summit

2018 Inland Empire Manufacturing Summit exhibit hall.

Josh Davies encouraging students to embrace manufacturing and technical skills.



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